In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

I was glad to see the snow come, and boy, will I be glad to see it go!  There’s always the good, the bad, and the ugly with snow days as a teacher: the good, no school; the bad, make up days; the ugly, Saturday school!  Next Saturday will be my very first Saturday school since starting to teach 7 years ago.  There is minor consolation that Skip ALWAYS has to work on Saturday, so I’m in good company.  Speaking of Skip, there’s more "good" to share.
Skip got to leave the shop around 4:30pm Monday.  Rather than hurrying home, he went on an adventure to find a snow shovel and some salt to prepare our driveway and sidewalk.  Although he was unsuccessful in finding a shovel, he hit the jackpot with a jumbo tub of sidewalk salt.  Instead of heading home with his treasure, he headed to Mom’s house.  He cleaned off her car and her porch and headed home after 6:30pm!  After we ate dinner, he finished his work preparing our house for the incoming ice.
Even with all the preparation, Skip had a terrible time trying to get to work this morning.  On his second try, he got up our treacherous road and headed into work, slipping and sliding all the way.  Before getting out of Enochville, he realized it just wasn’t worth it after nearly sliding into a ditch.  When he turned around to head home, he found 3 cars in the same ditch he scarcely avoided.  Two HOURS later, he had helped over 10 cars out of the ditch and was back at home.  He helped a sixteen year old boy, a young woman driving alone, and several slightly embarrassed older men.  The worker at the gas station near the ditch offered Skip coffee or hot chocolate for all his hard work. 
I jokingly called him Robin Hood for the rest of the day, but I really was impressed with his willingness to help others.  He never gets to leave work early or have a day off to just be lazy.  If it were me, I would’ve come straight home both days and parked myself on the couch (actually, that’s exactly what I did!).  But that’s not Skip’s way.  He is regularly putting others before himself and acting like it’s no big deal.  But, it is a big deal.  HE is a big deal.  I’m glad he’s mine.    

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