In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Tale of two Breast Pumps

I’ve been meaning to write about my experience breastfeeding for a while (I’ve been meaning to write about a lot of things for a while :/) I’ve had a really great experience nursing, the first six weeks not withstanding.  Megan had been “coaching” me about breast feeding for years, but had somehow failed to mention that it HURTS LIKE A MOTHER- pun intended.  Once Layla arrived and I started nursing and complaining that it was killing me one suck at a time, everyone said to give it a couple of weeks.  Couple of weeks my rear-end!  Just when I thought it would never stop hurting, it did and ever since, it’s been pretty smooth sailing. 

When I went back to school in January and started pumping, I stayed a day ahead of Layla.  She ate about 6 ounces while I was at school and I pumped about 6 ounces every day.  I’d get a few extra ounces here and there but never built a huge supply like some moms I know.  I think the most I’ve ever had frozen at once was about 30 ounces, and that’s what I had when I went back to school two weeks ago.  The only difference is now Layla eats 10 ounces while she’s with mom and the most I pumped while at school last week was 5 ounces.  I’ve started pumping in the night again, something I stopped doing over the summer- not that Layla has stopped eating during the night because she most definitely has not! Last week I started eating oatmeal and mixing Brewer’s yeast in my oatmeal and in smoothies.  I’ve been able to make up the difference day by day with night pumping and extra pumping sessions after school.  I am still pretty concerned that I won’t be able to keep up long term.  Layla will be one (OH EM GEE) November 4th and I am determined to nurse at least until her birthday.  So, when my pump died Friday morning at school, I kinda freaked out.

I bought my pump from Megan’s friend Elizabeth.  Megan used it with Dylan, who is now eight years old.  Elizabeth had used it the year before.  Before I used it, Elizabeth’s sister had used it, too, so this pump has logged a lot of miles. It’s an Ameda Purely Yours and I paid $50 for it.  I still remember when Megan brought it over while I was pregnant with Levi and showed me how to hook it up.  I thought I’d never be able to remember how to work the thing.  Now, I can hook the darn thing up in the dark, half asleep.  It stopped working once this summer-at 11:15PM on a night when I really needed to pump.  I yelled for Skip who had just gone to bed and he came to my rescue.  I’d spilled what I thought was a little milk in the pump bag earlier that day and it apparently had gotten into the mechanism.  Skip took the entire thing apart, cleaned the motor and by 11:45PM, I was back in the milk pumping business.  It’s worked like a top ever since.  Until Friday morning.   

I pump in my classroom with the door shut.  I have a little mini fridge behind my desk plugged into a power strip.  I plug my pump into the same power strip.  When I plugged it up Friday morning, nothing happened.  I made sure the switch on the power strip was set to ON and tried again. Nothing happened.  I’d just gotten water out of the fridge (and continued to get cold water out the rest of the day), so I figured the power strip was working just fine.  Megan suggested trying another cord and I actually had one that goes with my little speaker set to try. It wasn’t the cord.  I figured the pump was done for and found two on Craigslist each for $50.  I emailed both sellers and went about my business teaching.  I got a response quickly and this nice mama was going to let me pick up the pump from her porch since she wasn’t going to be home and drop the money in the mailbox.  Just after I asked for her address she offered to meet me at my work, which I thought was nice but odd considering she’d just offered to leave it on the porch.  I explained that I worked pretty far away from her home (in Concord) and right as I hit send, I got an email with her address where I could meet her to buy the pump.  Except the “her” was two hers.  I had been emailing two people about two different pumps for about an hour.  When you email a Craigslist seller, the email is generic and just a bunch of numbers.  This is what happens when you try to wheel and deal on Craigslist while teaching a subject you’ve been teaching for a total of four days. Anyway, I went with the lady who was willing to meet me half way, got a sweet teacher down the hall to cover the last 25 minutes of my class and headed out the door (with some very full ta-tas I might add).

On the way to meet, it hit me I would need cash.  I had $20, so I texted mom to see if I could borrow $30 from her to avoid stopping at the bank.  She, of course, had cash and said yes, so I stopped at her house, got the cash (and Layla) and kept going.  On the way, I decided to merge mom’s cash with mine and realized she’d just given me $26- a $20, a $5 and a $1. I figured she thought the $1 was another $5.  I decided I’d just tell the lady that I could write her a check for the rest or buy her something at the gas station.  Turns out, she was happy with $46 and didn’t mind being cheated.  I checked the pump with the car adaptor (like Megan told me to) and came home to get some relief.  The pump looked almost exactly like mine, but it just didn’t feel the same.  All my parts hooked up to the base easily and it got the job done, but it just felt different- and not as good as mine.  I decided to try mine at home since it was sitting right there, and wouldn’t you know, it fired up on the first try.  UNBELIEVABLE.  I said a few choice words, but I was SO glad it worked.  I now think something is/was wrong with the outlet I was using and feel pretty stupid for not checking that before buying a new pump.  In my defense, I was going on my water being cold indicating that my power strip was in working order.  The silver lining is now I can have one pump for home and one pump for school instead of looking like a pack horse carrying a pump, a purse, and a school bag to and from every day. And, I’ve never had a car adapter and now I do.  Skip is going to take the new-to-me pump apart and give it a tune up like he did my first one.

I should also share that when I got home, I found $4 in my pocket!  At first I thought it was from school and then I realized that it was the rest of the $30 that mom had given me and that I am the crazy one who cannot count and not her. The first week of school does some crazy things to teachers, let me tell ya!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's Always Bikini Season Somewhere

A few weeks ago, Kimberly texted me and asked if the workout videos I had done from You Tube religiously for a few days before school was out were Bikini Body Mommy videos.  I said something witty about summer almost being over and “sweat shirt and jeans mommy” being more my speed.  But then, I did some research and I can’t believe I’m just now hearing about this girl!  She’s got four 90-day challenges on her own personal You Tube channel.  She’s got lots of stuff for purchase (cookbooks, meals plans, premium workouts, etc.) but TONS for free resources.  I signed up for a challenge on her website but then realized that you can just go directly to You Tube and access the videos there.

I’ve wanted needed to get back in a workout routine for a while, but the Forum where I went before Layla was born is just not an option.  It’s a 20 minute drive there and back and I’m just not willing to give that much time to traveling to and from the gym when it means taking it away from Layla, especially with the new school schedule which won’t put me home until close to 4:30 every day.  I did a good job getting in walks regularly this summer.  Kimberly and I met 3 mornings a week and walked 4 miles.  It was progress from nothing, but hasn’t done anything for my two-babies-in-14-months belly jiggle or my oh so out of shape arms. It also didn’t do anything for the number on the scale because I spent an impressive amount of time in the Starbucks drive thru and eating peanut butter straight out of the jar while binge watching The Good Wife. 

So, tomorrow morning at 6am, my alarm is going to go off and I am going to do Day One of the Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day Challenge 1.0.  I am NOT committing to 90 days straight because IMO, that’s insane!  I AM going to commit to 5 days a week.  I’ve written out a schedule and having some extra time in the morning is quite possibly the only positive of the school time change.  I should be able to get up at the same time I had to get up last year (6am) workout, shower, feed Layla, get ready, and even spend some time doing devotions before heading out the door at 7:30am. 

It’s gonna be tempting to hit the snooze button in the morning, but I am hoping that putting this out here will hold me accountable.  The first thing Briana (THE Bikini Body Mommy) suggests is getting an accountability partner for the challenge.  While I’m hoping Kimberly will join me, until she commits, this’ll have to do.  I also joined a Dietbet for the next 28 days.  If I lose 4 percent of my body weight in the next 28 days, I win!  This is my third Dietbet; I won $15 on the first one and $13 on the second.  Nothing motivates me quite like money, so the Dietbet is a good fit for me.  Now, all that’s left to do is set my alarm, submit my weight, and get to getting fit.  Wish me luck!