In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's Always Bikini Season Somewhere

A few weeks ago, Kimberly texted me and asked if the workout videos I had done from You Tube religiously for a few days before school was out were Bikini Body Mommy videos.  I said something witty about summer almost being over and “sweat shirt and jeans mommy” being more my speed.  But then, I did some research and I can’t believe I’m just now hearing about this girl!  She’s got four 90-day challenges on her own personal You Tube channel.  She’s got lots of stuff for purchase (cookbooks, meals plans, premium workouts, etc.) but TONS for free resources.  I signed up for a challenge on her website but then realized that you can just go directly to You Tube and access the videos there.

I’ve wanted needed to get back in a workout routine for a while, but the Forum where I went before Layla was born is just not an option.  It’s a 20 minute drive there and back and I’m just not willing to give that much time to traveling to and from the gym when it means taking it away from Layla, especially with the new school schedule which won’t put me home until close to 4:30 every day.  I did a good job getting in walks regularly this summer.  Kimberly and I met 3 mornings a week and walked 4 miles.  It was progress from nothing, but hasn’t done anything for my two-babies-in-14-months belly jiggle or my oh so out of shape arms. It also didn’t do anything for the number on the scale because I spent an impressive amount of time in the Starbucks drive thru and eating peanut butter straight out of the jar while binge watching The Good Wife. 

So, tomorrow morning at 6am, my alarm is going to go off and I am going to do Day One of the Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day Challenge 1.0.  I am NOT committing to 90 days straight because IMO, that’s insane!  I AM going to commit to 5 days a week.  I’ve written out a schedule and having some extra time in the morning is quite possibly the only positive of the school time change.  I should be able to get up at the same time I had to get up last year (6am) workout, shower, feed Layla, get ready, and even spend some time doing devotions before heading out the door at 7:30am. 

It’s gonna be tempting to hit the snooze button in the morning, but I am hoping that putting this out here will hold me accountable.  The first thing Briana (THE Bikini Body Mommy) suggests is getting an accountability partner for the challenge.  While I’m hoping Kimberly will join me, until she commits, this’ll have to do.  I also joined a Dietbet for the next 28 days.  If I lose 4 percent of my body weight in the next 28 days, I win!  This is my third Dietbet; I won $15 on the first one and $13 on the second.  Nothing motivates me quite like money, so the Dietbet is a good fit for me.  Now, all that’s left to do is set my alarm, submit my weight, and get to getting fit.  Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. WAY late on the response, but I just choose a diet bet with a good "pot" so I'll make a little money if I win. I just wrote again about my BBM journey. I highly recommend it if you haven't started something else. Thanks for reading!
