In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to Lou! Happy Birthday to Lou!

      Spend 5 minutes in my presence and you know how much I love my Mama.   A girl should only get one good “mama” in a lifetime.  I’ve known plenty who didn’t even get that.  So, having two great mamas is like, a miracle.  When I married Skip, I got another great mama in Skip’s mom, Lou Anne.  Unlike my mom, we don’t have a whole lot in common (except for teaching English and our shared adoration of Skip), so I learn a lot from her.
     LouAnne has this authentic love for the Word of God.  Right after Skip and I started dating, she began praying verses she picked out for all of her children (including me).  Mine was about patience and Skip was about being a rebel; talk about mother’s intuition.  When Skip was searching for a new job and I was scared about our finances, she always reminded me to put my hope and trust in the Lord.  And it worked!  I could have easily despaired during those months had it not been for her encouragement. 
     Being LouAnne’s daughter-in-law has also taught me a great deal of patience.   I like to have a plan.  I love a calendar.  Dates and times make me happy.  Sometimes, they make me “unspontaneous” and a little uptight.  LouAnne assures me that before she became and Erdmom of four, she was the same way.  It’s hard to imagine her with a color coded calendar like mine, but I try.  I also try to relax a little when the answer is “I don’t know yet” to even the simplest “when’s dinner?” question.  It’s good for me.  She’s good for me.  I think I’ll keep her.

Happy Birthday LouAnne!  You know I love you!

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