In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Typos and Other Major Transgressions

I am a pretty great speller.  I remember studying for spelling tests in elementary school and almost always making a 100!  I'm really good at grammar too; I make a living teaching it.  So, you can imagine my embarrassment when my Aunt called me out on the typos in this blog.  I try to spell check, really I do!  It's just when it's your words, you don't always catch the wrong ones!  As many times as I've read and reread my posts, I have never noticed a published typo! 

Even since the typos were brought to my attention, I have been trying to find time to get online and try to find them and fix them.  I've mentally obsessed over this way more than I should have.  Since I'm kindof a perfectionist, this came as a big blow to my pride.  It also came, however, with a good lesson learned...

I have a tendency to find fault with others when I shouldn't.  I resist correcting the facebook walls of others on a daily basis.  (Sometimes I share errors I've seen with my English teacher friends and we cringe at the thought!)  I used to circle mistakes in the church bulletin instead of listening to the sermon. On a non-grammatical but equally shameful note, just last week I corrected Skip for singing a song lyric slightly wrong.

As appreciative as I was for my Aunt's candor, a part of me was embarrassed (and in utter disbelief).  My mom, who reads my blog and prints it off to share with others, had never mentioned my mistakes.  When I asked if she had ever noticed, she admitted she had.  Yet, in all the bragging and discussing we've done since I started this blog, she'd never said anything about them.  She didn't feel the need to point out my flaws; she appreciated the good stuff and moved past the rest.  That's love! And that was the lesson.  Love more, judge less, and proofread.

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