In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mama

Today is my Mama’s birthday!  I’ve been thinking for weeks about what I could post that would do her justice.  If you know me well at all, you pretty much know my Mama.  Everything good (and bad!) about me, I got from her (except the reading and writing stuff- that’s all Nanny and Kay). 
So, in honor of my mama on her birthday, here is some of things I love about her.
1.        She makes lists.  For as long as I can remember, she’s had a little tablet in her purse where she keeps grocery and shopping lists.  I love lists.  I especially love checking them off.  When we were grocery shopping together Saturday, she let me use her pen to check off my own list in my own little tablet.
2.       She sends cards.  I’m not as good at this one yet, but I’m working on it.  She keeps back-up cards in her desk at work just in case she needs one spur-of-the-moment.  I’ve been known to call and ask to “borrow” one in a pinch.
3.       She doesn’t have allergies.  But, since I do, she’s been pretending to have allergies for about 5 years now.  (My insurance won’t cover allergy medicine, but hers will.)  When she even thinks I’m running low, she gets me a refill and usually pays for it.  She also keeps a few in her purse in case I forget to take it and need some while we’re together.
4.       She bakes cakes.  And cookies, and brownies for special occasions.  When I decide to bake, I get a recipe from her, and a lot of times, some of the ingredients.  When I first moved out, I was in need of Crisco at 9:45PM for my first attempt at her delicious chocolate sheath cake.  When I called complaining about not having all the ingredients, she met me half way between our houses with a stick of hers.
5.       She works.  And actually enjoys it.  She likes her other two jobs, too.  I can hardly remember when my mama didn’t work at least one 2nd job.  I can remember in 7th grade when she told me she was getting a job at night and I cried.  I didn’t want her to be gone in the evenings, so she didn’t take the job.  When I find new opportunities to make a little extra cash, like night school and summer teaching positions, I remind myself of her.
I could go on and on, but like I said before, if you know me, you’ve got a good idea of who she is, too.  My friend’s husband said it best a few months back when talking to me about my mama, “what a sweet and fun lady.”  I couldn’t have said it better myself.     

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