In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm Back!

          I can’t believe that it’s been so long since I last wrote.  Over the past two months, there have been so many things that I have wanted to blog about, but I was working on National Boards in every moment of spare time I had.  I had to force myself to “analyze my teaching practices” instead of just writing for the sake of writing.  Since there’s no way to go back in time, here’s a short list of what I wish I could’ve said more about in the last two months.
1.       National Boards.  Something I jumped into without doing enough research.  I am not even sure I believe in the process, and I just invested a good bit of money and a ridiculous amount of time pursuing this certification.  I learned a lot about myself, so I am proud of that, but I am not convinced the portfolio truly reflects a teacher’s quality.  Having said that, I will gladly accept the pay increase and pat myself on the back if I do pass.
2.       Jenilee Kennedy.  My best friend of 18 years turned 29 last week.  We met on a cheerleading team (if you can believe that) in 6th grade.  One of my favorite things about our friendship is that it’s easy and our love for each other is genuine.  To this day, Jenilee swears she did not realize that I was terribly overweight in college.  When she sees pictures now, she says she never remembers me being that heavy.  That’s love. 
3.       Weight Watchers.  Speaking of being overweight, I reached lifetime membership status at Weight Watchers six years ago last month and have maintained my goal weight (give or take a few pounds) ever since then.  I’ve worked for the company for five years and am still inspired by the stories of members changing their lives following the program.
4.       Bunker Ct.  We closed on our house a year ago in March.  As we began to collect materials to have our taxes completed, we were shocked at how little we made last year around this time.  We were planning a wedding, buying a house, taking on bigger monthly bills, and until June, Skip’s income was very unsteady and at times nonexistent.  It is abundantly clear to us that God’s provision brought us through this time and his blessings on us are incomprehensible. 
5.       Values vs. Priorities.  These are two words that Skip and I have discussed at length recently.  It’s been very hard for me to accept the fact that he is gone so much of the time and yet really enjoys his job.  At the height of my struggle with this, Pastor Keith preached a message straight to my heart about the difference between values and priorities.  Although Skip values me above his job, he has to make work a priority in order to provide for us and prepare for our future.  Skip owes Pastor Keith big time!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool stuff Stephanie. Thanks for sharing. It's real and impactful.

