In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

More than Getting By

There’s a song lyric I’ve come to love and quote often, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”  In the last seven or so months, this has become such a true statement, a motto of sorts, for me.  When we lost Levi (as I’ve said over and over again) I was so blessed by those close, old friends and a few new ones who were not afraid to get down in the mire and be sad not just for us, but with us, too.  For example, Jenilee has remembered the 7th of the month every month since September.  I’ve gotten so many messages from former students, girls I know only from one meeting at a wedding or church event, and people who don’t even know me but know our story.  Messages with scripture, promises of prayer and even fasting for our family to grow again.  I’ve sat at my desk after school and cried with Megan five month later because we were (am) still so sad. 

So, when we got Baby A, I was not surprised by the outpouring of support.  The same friend who came the week after Levi died with a teddy bear weighing 6lbs 2oz, brought and installed a car seat for Baby A the same night we got her.  Friends who brought us meals and bought me bras while I was in the hospital showed up with onesies and Bumbo seats and baby food galore.  I was so thrilled by their kindness and so glad to be a source of joy for others.  You know I hated feeling pitied and like I made the whole world sad by just being in it after we lost Levi.  It feels good to be the reason people are happy and cooing over an adorable baby girl.

I got to spend yesterday with two of my most treasured friends, Ashley and Jenilee.  I spent three of some of the best years of my life with these girls in college as roommates.  I learned so much about life from/with these girls as we became adults together, and I learn something new from them every time we get together.  When my dream of being a (practicing) parent got put on hold last year, one of the things that made me SO sad was feeling “out of the loop” with these girls.  I couldn’t plan a “Boone girls” weekend because I felt so different from these mamas who have a hard time (naturally) going too long without talking about their babies.  Yesterday, with Baby A in tow, I got my first taste of parent talk, and it was amazing! Jenilee gave me sleep training advice (more on Baby A’s sleeping later) and Ashley gave me some baby food making tips.  It was a glorious morning just like I had envisioned months before when Ashley and I were pregnant together, and only a little bittersweet that it came to fruition a different way than I had planned. 

I just love these girls (and many others who’ve been there for us) so deeply that I find it hard to put into words and don’t feel like I am doing them justice now.   I know that being friends with someone who has been through what we’ve been through isn’t always easy, but I am so thankful for those who’ve signed up for the task anyway.  I have done more than “get by” and had more than “a little help” and I never want to take these blessings for granted.

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