In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Best Day

There are some days that you just know you’ll remember forever. A few of those for me have been the day I met Skip, the day he proposed, the day we got married, and both times I gave birth.  And then, there’s today.  It was a day I thought would never come and was such an awesome reminder that the God I (try to) serve is bigger than my thoughts, my plans and my circumstances.  He loves me and he wants to give me good gifts.  Today was a one of those gifts.

Skip arrived with Amoura, Karria (her mom) and Anyla (her 2 month old) baby sister around 6PM yesterday.  I fixed frozen pizza and salads and we all sat down together to eat dinner.  Amoura definitely remembered our house and made herself at home right away.  I got to snuggle the new baby because Amoura did a fabulous job entertaining Layla.  I swear they both remembered each other.  It’s like they have this bond, which considering I rocked Amoura to sleep every night of Layla’s gestational life makes good sense to me.  Anyway, spending time with Karria was more comfortable and enjoyable than I had expected, and I knew by the time we put the girls to bed that it was going to be an amazing visit.

Today, we hung out at the house (mostly because it was too stinkin’ hot to do much else).  Mom spent the day with us and all three of the girls were very well behaved.  Karria wanted to try bottle-feeding Anyla, so we spent some time bonding over pumping practices and milk storage.   I cooked dinner and mom brought Krispy Kreme for dessert.  I had gotten tickled at a text from Karria the day before they came that called the visit a vacation, but that’s really what it’s felt like.

It has been amazing to watch little-girl Amoura still do the stuff that we taught baby-girl Amoura to do.  She uses quite a bit of sign language we taught her.  She cleans her area at the table after every meal and uses a fork better than some teenage boys I’ve seen.  She’s a great eater and still loves fruits and vegetables. She ate more salad at dinner than anything else, but she still has a sweet tooth.  She was great for her bath and still makes my heart melt in jammies.  She loves getting her nighttime lotion on and was generous with the kisses with both babies.  Overall, she is a great listener and is finally talking!  She says “no” while shaking her head up and down for “yes” a lot of the time, but when she means “no” you can sure tell it.  She still loves to wrestle on the bed and be chased through the house.  I could go on and on, but playng with three little girls is exhausting and I’ve got a long day of driving them back to Anderson ahead of me tomorrow.  I just had to share a bit about our day and some of these precious memories in pictures. 
 Sharing is caring
 Giving her some sugars
 Nana and naked Layla
 Nanny and Anyla
She didn't care that Layla doesn't have teeth to brush!

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