In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I’ve had a lot I wanted to write about lately but I have been too busy reading  playing with my baby  cleaning my house binge watching The Good Wife on Amazon Prime to get around to it.  I am only slightly embarrassed to say that since the beginning of the month, I’ve completed all of Season One and will knock out episodes 14 and 15 of Season Two before bed.  That’s a total of 40 episodes in just over three weeks.  Is there a contest I can enter or something?  But seriously, this show is SO good.  The episodes I’m watching now came out in 2009, so it’s even more enjoyable seeing some of the “old school” technology in use and references to things going on what seems like forever ago.

In between episodes, I’ve also been busy selling stuff.  Every so often, I get on this kick to see what I can sell.  Timehop reminded me yesterday that three summers ago, I sold $300 worth of Skip’s “old techy stuff” on Amazon.  Usually, my interest to sell is sparked by the desire to buy something else.  This time, I just wanted to de-clutter a bit.  I started with two cameras that were both in great condition but neither had been used in over a year.  We take 95% of Layla’s pictures with our iPhones.  Skip occasionally will get out his work cameras and snaps a few of the two of us (and I am always so impressed with the quality!).  Anyway, I posted about the cameras on and Skip’s Aunt Jane bought one of them; although I had several people offer to purchase the other, I worked out a trade deal with a mama friend of mine with an almost two-year old little southern-belle with fabulous clothes.  Rebecca is going to send me some of Georgia Grace’s awesome hand-me-downs and I am sending her the camera.  WIN-WIN!

From cameras, I moved on to cloth diapers.  I could write a whole post on cloth diapering (and I would, but let’s face it, there’s 6 seasons more to go!).  Bottom line, I love using cloth.  Mom washed them while I was in school, so I was a tad scared they’d lose their “charm” when I had to do the washing and line drying and stuffing, but they didn’t!  I bought two small lots of gently used cloth diapers while I was pregnant with Levi. I kept them and started using them with Layla, although they were mostly boy colors and patterns.  Some of them were just too bulky for our little runt and some were just too boyish, so I took some photos, posted in a cloth diaper group and my crunchy mama group and ended up selling them all.  I listed them as a lot- 14 diapers for $75- which was a great deal but they were more than a few years old since I’d purchased them used in 2013.  The first mom to show interest only wanted a portion of them and ended up taking 5 for $44.  I put the rest on Craigstlist and sold them for $50! (making almost $20 more than I'd hoped for!) To reward my efforts, I bought Layla 8 new Alva brand diapers in some really adorable patterns and still had some money left over!  (Side note: We started using cloth when Layla was 4 months old because she was so tiny she didn’t “fill out” a one-size cloth diaper until then.  She sleeps in disposable and we used them a little on vacation.  Tomorrow, I will have to buy disposables for the FIRST TIME since she was born almost 9 months ago.  We’ve been using diapers we got as shower gifts and had from preparations for Levi since she was born! I say that because when people see $75 for 14 diapers, it sounds expensive, but it’s so affordable- and even more so if you can resist the adorable prints and only buy what you NEED.)

The New Stash
Modeling one of my favorites

After my diaper victory, I decided to list a play yard (formerly known as a pack and play formerly known as a playpen).  We’d gotten it when we first got Amoura, and just never used it.  I listed it on on the Rowan County Yard Sale page and in my crunchy mom group and within 5 minutes, it sold for $25!  While I was listing on the yard sale page, I noticed a lady had some random cans of formula for sale along with some various baby items.  I had some formula that I’d been saving since Amoura’s formula days for when Kimmy got her baby.  When Quinn was born, I was glad to be able to give them 5 or so cans of formula, but still had some left that were different brands than she drank.  So, Saturday night, I took some pictures, checked the expiration dates and made a post on the Yard Sale page.  I woke up Sunday morning to a $h!+ storm on my post.  Apparently, selling samples is “illegal” (except it’s not) and several people with no dog in the fight and nothing better to do after midnight on a Saturday had commented about what a horrible person I was for selling formula and why didn’t I "pay it forward."  It was crazy.  I responded to one PM (private message) and explained the situation and why I even had the formula to begin with.  The lady was nice but still “didn’t feel right” buying samples.  It took all the class I had not to take those strangers to task about their judgmental comments.  It was five cans of formula, people!  Instead, I just deleted the post.  By Sunday afternoon, I apparently had been added to some “Buyers Beware” list of Rowan County.  I didn’t even know such a list exists, but I guess it does.  The play yard and five of Skip’s polo shirts are the only thing I’ve ever sold on there, so I think I’ll survive. 

I’d almost forgotten about selling the polo shirts! At the beginning of the summer, I spent about five minutes going through Skip’s closet grabbing shirts I hadn’t seen him wear in months years. I got his permission to sell them and posted them on the yard sale page.  I came in a little high for a yard sale (especially in Rowan County) so I got no hits.  While I was listing the formula, I adjusted the price (asking $20 instead of $30) and within a few minutes, someone offered $10.  I knew what Skip was gonna say- $10 isn’t worth the time it takes to meet- but I made the deal anyway and arranged a meeting.  Skip met the guy right after church on Sunday and exchanged five old shirts he was never going to wear again for a ten spot, and he even gave it to me when he got home! 

So, it’s been a great month for making a little cash in the Erdman household.   I feel compelled to add that I DO give things away.  Nice things.  Things that I could sell.  Much to my mother’s dismay, I gave away the swing Layla slept in at her house the first 5 months of her life because a teacher at school took in her niece and her newborn.  I take clothes to our clothes closet at church regularly.  I’m currently riding around a baby gate that a friend asked to borrow on and I mailed a cloth diaper “snappi” to a mom I didn’t even know for free (actually cost me a stamp!).  But sometimes, I like a little return on my investments.  We do a lot with a little around here.  We don’t use credit (except on Amazon Prime day-more on that later) and do not carry debt.  I’m proud of the way we save for what we want and how we manage our money.  It’s an adrenaline rush to post stuff for sale and watch for interest to pop up, and it’s nice to have extra money to spend on Layla some new clothes or on my next Target run.  I highly recommend trying your hand at online selling; you might make a buck, get blacklisted, or if you’re me, both!

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