In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Better late than Never

I said I was going to write about resolutions right after New Year’s, but I never got around to it-until now.  I love resolutions, so I set a few each year.  I ask Skip every year to set some with me and he just flat out refuses.  I am so very goal oriented that having an excuse to reflect and set new goals is just exciting to me.  What I realized this year, however, is that I could not remember even one resolution from last year (except to lose weight, which has been a daily resolution of mind since around 1990).  This is partly why I want to share them (even three weeks late).  At least next year I can look back at this and see how I did.   I set five goals really doable goals: 1) get up before school for quiet time reading and praying 2) memorize a verse a week 3) be intentional-especially in my interaction with those who are grieving 4) eat cleaner/healthier foods 5) get pregnant. 

So far, I’ve had no luck with numbers one and five.  I want so badly to get up before school to spend some quiet time reading and in prayer, but I just can’t  won’t make it a priority.  I’ve been getting it in after school or before bed most days, and I even enlisted a friend for accountability after our pastor suggested we do so in a sermon recently.  So, it’s not a total fail, but it’s not something I feel like I’ve got a handle on yet either.  As far as pregnancy goes, yes, we’ve tried “that.”  Whatever “that” you’re tempted to suggest, we’ve tried it.  I think a few guys actually read some of these posts, so I won’t go into detail with all we’ve tried.  Let’s just say my husband is a trooper!  In all seriousness, if you’d add this one to your prayer list, we’d be grateful.

Numbers two and three have been a real source of joy for me.  I’ve chosen verses that really speak to my circumstances right now and memorizing them has come fairly easy.  I put them on our fridge, in my bathroom, and on my file cabinet at school.  So far, I’ve memorized Psalm 9:10, Proverbs 31: 25-26, and Isaiah 40:28-29.  Funny enough, memorizing the verses has helped me with being intentional.  I’ve been able to share these verses with a few people who I thought could use them for various reasons. 

Just this week, Skip and I got serious about improving our eating habits.  I have been trying to lose the baby weight for a while now and was very successful before the holidays.  After Christmas, I had to re-lose a few pounds and just when I got those off, we went to Disney, so this week was our week to jump in with both feet.  Skip has been complaining about needing to lose a few pounds for a while, and I am still up about ten pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I got really interested in Dr. Oz’s two week plan, but did not think it sounded realistic for Skip.  No meat and no grain (other than a ½ cup of rice which Skip does not enjoy) sounded too restrictive and I didn’t think he’d stick with it.  So, we’re following a lot of Dr. Oz’s suggestions and the Weight Watcher “kick start” plan.  We’re eating very little sugar and processed foods and lots of fruit and veggies.  Skip has been swamped with work and church stuff this week, but he’s really gotten into the plan.  He’s lost 6lbs already and says he feels better already.  The more I read, the more I know that we need to cut the crap out of our diet.  I don’t ever want to be so strict that I can’t indulge (in coffee. and creamer. every morning.), but I do want to make better choices and be less stupid when it comes to what I put in my mouth. 

All in all, the resolutions are going well. Second semester started today, and I even set some goals for my new classes.  Having goals to work towards gives me something to focus on and keeps my mind busy.  It makes me feel more like my old self, and that’s good, too.   

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