In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Skip

     Today is Skip's 30th birthday.  I think I've always gotten more excited about his birthday than he has his own.  When we lived in different states, birthdays usually meant a visit, which was pretty much what I lived for during those years.  Now that we're married, I just love making a fuss over him.  He is so appreciative of any and everything done for him.  We're still really new to this marriage thing, but I love learning stuff I didn't already know about him.  Here's a few things about Skip that not everyone knows.

- His feet are extremely ticklish!  He sqwirms like crazy when I even get near them.
- His favorite food is steak, second favorite... peanut butter and jelly.
- He often helps pay bills for others who can't pay them for themselves.
- When he borrowed Nanny's car last month while hers was in the shop, he replaced her broken seatbeat fastener and never mentioned it to either of us.
- When he was on the road the first months of our relationship, he wrote mushy love notes and brought them home to me.
- After 9pm, he falls asleep standing up.
- He almost died when he was less than a year old.  (Ask MawMaw for the details)
- The first time he came to Kannapolis, he thought, "I never want to live here."
- He asked me if I wanted to go look at rings on our 3rd date!
- He once introduced me to a large group of girls as his "girfriend, Kristen."


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