In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why I Work

     As summer is quickly coming to a close, I am beginning to mentally prepare to go back to school. Every year, the summer ends and every year I grumble. It’s what teachers do. Some because they hate their jobs and are miserable all year. Most of us just because summer has been way too short and our “to do” lists are still way too long. This year is no different for me, but there is something I am looking forward to tomorrow.

     I work with the most amazing group of people. The whole faculty at West is great, but the teachers of the 200 building are the reason I want to come to school every day. Three years ago, West started a Freshmen Academy and we were all thrown together in weekly meetings and 20 minutes daily cramped around the tiny workroom lunch table. Most of us were complete strangers; several of us were new to West and teaching in general. It took a while to really get to know everyone, but when we clicked, we became the envy of the entire school. Of course, no one has ever said that to us, but we feel sure we are.

     All kidding aside, I could not have picked better colleagues to spend my day with. When I got engaged in my classroom, one of the best things about the excitement was getting to share it with some of my dearest friends. When Skip was looking for a job and we were buying a house and planning a wedding and I was really worried about how we were going to pay for it all, my co-workers offered encouraging words and prayers for my peace of mind. When the kids are on my nerves and there is no workday in sight, I still work with great teachers. When kids seem to need more help every year and requirements seem to get tougher, I am not alone in the struggle. I’ve got friends to commiserate with and celebrate with and enjoy life with and even cry with sometimes.

Bring on 7am.

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