In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Between

I wrote this about a month before our wedding.  I guess this is really where I got the name for the blog.
   There is a place just past Blowing Rock on 321 heading down the mountain that holds a special memory for me. When I was in college and would head home for a long holiday or a quick weekend visit, I had this worship ritual as I drove along the curvy peaks. It was around the same spot each trip that I would feel the undeniable desire to worship my Savior. Although the view was often breathtaking, it had nothing to do with the scenery. It was the knowledge of where I was heading and what was just behind me that compelled me to offer praise. In Boone, I had made the most amazing friends in a group of Bible study girls and continued a friendship that is now going on 17 years with my very best girl friend. At home, I had a Mama and Nanny that knew all about me and loved me anyway. On that journey home, around the same spot each time, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I had the best of both worlds- roots and wings- and they both fit perfectly.

     When we bought our house in March and Skip moved in, I began spending many evenings around 9pm on the roads that connect my first real house to the home of my youth. Although the drive is much shorter, the feelings have been much the same as those long drives from Boone to Kannapolis. I kissed the man of my dreams goodnight and drove home in time to end the day talking with my closest confidant. How can one person be so lucky? How can I not offer my praise for the blessings I’ve been given? I embraced the changes and excitement that our marriage is going to bring on the dark drive “home” from Bunker Ct. I’ve felt an overwhelming peace about our new life together and mama’s empty nest. I’ve prayed for jobs, friends, and finances, and I’ve praised His name for answering in His time.
      If there is one thing that I’ve learned through my journey between the blessings in my life is that I don’t have to choose. And that being in between, just me and God, is a pretty awesome place to be.


  1. This is beautifulllll. I want what you and skip have one dayyy! Its so cute :) I love you so much steph<3

  2. Amen!!! Sometimes He shows you more on those journeys than you can imagine. You learn to lean and love on Him in a way that makes the destination not so important anymore. You realize that you can do anything as long as He's with you.

  3. You never have to worry about my empty nest, I just have another bird "Skip" in my nest. God has blessed me so much with a great daughter and now a great son-n-law. I love you very much.
