In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One Year Ago

Today has been one of those days that I just wanted to write.  School was “normal” today if high school is ever really normal.  I picked Baby A up right after school and she was happy and playful and we enjoyed an afternoon of laughing and singing and drooling (her, not me)!  But all throughout the day, I’ve had this little cloud of sadness following me around.  I’ll forget why it’s there and then remember and the cloud gets bigger and sadder. 

One year ago today, my friend Amber delivered a sleeping daughter they call “Baby Girl.”  One year ago she was not my friend and I had no idea how much I would need her four short months later.  I am so sad that one year ago today her life changed forever and so grateful that it did because of the blessing she’s been to me.  She’s the first one who told me I would be okay who I actually believed.  She’s the one who told me that books on grief would help me, but the Word of God would heal me.  She looked “together” and “normal” four month after her world came crashing down just like mine did.  If she could be okay, maybe I could be, too. 

Amber and her husband released balloons and butterflies at their Baby Girl’s gravesite today.  They took her older daughters to lunch and to pick out a birthday cake for their sister.  Her hope was to make the day “sweet and special” for her daughters.  I can’t imagine how difficult today has been for them.  It makes me so glad that Amber and I serve a risen Savior that knows our pain and gives us hope.   

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