In Between what?

I've found some of the sweetest moments in life have been those in between

other moments known for their grandeur.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Back Story

Not long after writing the whiny blog/post about waiting, I found myself right in the thick of another month of you guessed it- waiting.  My “thrifty” side had won out over my need for some semblance of control that month and I did not buy an OPK.  I had done them two or three previous months and had gotten that freakin’ smiley face that should incite happiness but only ever heightens my anxiety.  I decided to just count the days and try to make sense of basal body temperature and pray for the best.  Then the week that I thought I should be using a predictor came and I decided to use some leftover sticks, sans reader, and see if I was, in fact, ovulating.  I peed on those darn things for 8 days and never got a line that was “as dark or darker” than the control line.  I ran out of sticks before I got positive results.  I stuck to my guns (well, sort of) and did not buy another kit.  I harassed Skip a few more nights and then convinced myself that something had to be wrong with me. 

The previous month and this month I had had some mid-month spotting.  Once the OPK sticks failed me, I consulted the good doctors on Google and self diagnosed: I had a cyst on or in my ovary.  That had to be what was causing the mid-cycle spotting and preventing me from ovulating and by default, getting pregnant.  I would have to schedule surgery (over Spring Break?), probably give my body a month or so to heal and the earliest opportunity I would have to get pregnant again would be fall of the year, a whole year after losing Levi. 

I called my doctor feeling all sorry for myself and tried to explain why I had only been trying to get pregnant (this time) for 5 month but felt the need to see a doctor.  The appointment girl called it an infertility appointment and I almost had a breakdown. I assured her that wasn’t what it was.  She forwarded my call to the nurse line (only because the psych ward requires a direct dial).  I left a detailed messaged and WAITED for a call back.  Long story short less long, they made my appointment for March 20, over two weeks away from the initial phone call.

Then a funny thing happened.  I didn’t start my period around the time I normally would.  I counted the days on the calendar over and over and knew I should be starting soon.  A few more days went by but I just couldn’t bring myself to test.  Finally, around day 33 on the way home from school, I asked Megan to tell me what to do.  She said, “if it were me, I’d take a test.”  So, ignoring all the warnings I’ve ever heard or read about on pregnancy tests, I chugged a bottle of water, drove to Dollar General (my preferred pregnancy test retailer) and bought a two pack (for $6.77 in case you’re wondering. Aldi does not sell tests or I would get mine there ;) ).  I waited less than an hour and took the test.  BNF.  I was not pregnant.  I hadn’t felt pregnant, didn’t think I was, so it was not a shock and no more a disappointment than anything else had been that month.

So, five days passed and I went to Joyce Meyer with the girls and was distracted from thinking about not being pregnant and what could be wrong with me.  Skipping a period AND not ovulating AND spotting mid-month was beginning to confound (the Google doctors and) me, so the distraction was nice.   When I got home and told Skip I was still waiting to start, he suggested I test again.  The following morning was a Tuesday and as luck would have it, we had a three-hour delay.  This gave me time to decide to test again, and what-da-ya-know, it was positive.  I was pregnant.  My heart nearly beat out of my chest.  I’ve never been so petrified and ecstatic in the same moment.  I decided to keep the “what’s wrong with me” appointment as a “confirmation appointment” and went to the doctor two days later.  I got to see Dr. Bower, my favorite, and she rejoiced with me that we were starting this long journey once again. 

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